For centuries, Jews have Lived and Flourished in Mumbai, India without any Anti Semitism or persecution.
Our Documentary Tells Their Story.

“Mumbai Jews”

Holy-Land Productions film.

Genre: Documentary Film.

Estimated year of release: 2023/4.

Language: English,Hindi,Hebrew

Country: India,Israel, US

Special Thanks to our friends:  Suril Desai, Celia Atkin, Marian and Abe Sofaer

Producers: Oren Rosenfeld, Michal Lee Sapir

Directors: Oren Rosenfeld & Michal Lee Sapir.

Filmed by: Oren Rosenfeld.

Editor: Ami Drozd.

Original Score by: Jonathan Bar Giora.



The Story

For centuries, Jews have lived and flourished in Mumbai enjoying freedom of religion and treated with respect coexisting with all other religions continuing to this day to shape and contribute to Indian society.The Sassoons also Known as the Rothschilds of the East have contributed greatly to Bombay, we follow Professor Dr Shaul Sapir on his quest to discover the Sassoon's legacy.

The Dynasty

Join us on this exciting new journey we have embarked upon to discover Bombays different Jewish communities and how they continue to exist and flourish today.Through the eyes of our main Protagonists Proffesor Shaul Sapir and Edna Samuel each representing a different and unique Jewish community of Mumbai.

In the city of Mumbai are hidden historical reminders of the Great Sassoon Dynasty of Baghdadi Jews founded by Iraq's former Minister of Finance Sir David Sassoon also known as the Rothschild of the East.Join us as we embark on a journey to the past, a once glorious era of building and growth and contribution to the beautiful glorious city of Mumbai.

Jewish Life

Indian Jews now living in Israel that still consider India their home and live partly in both countries as if they were just separate states. They love them both, 

Our film will tell their story, and honor and celebrate India as the last safe haven of religious tolerance left in the region.

Where else can millions from so many religions live together in harmony?

We witness weddings and daily life Jewish traditions that every Jew can relate to, the ancient Indian Jews, "The Bene Israel".

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